Blog Archive

Driftwood Selfie (8/5/2023) - I was inspired (horrified?) by seeing so many people out in nature doing nothing but…
Me, Through the Machine (6/28/2023) - This self portrait was generated by using a 3D scanner to scan my face, illustrating…
Inception (5/22/2023) - It's a selfie arm taking a selfie of a selfie arm taking a selfie of…
Tree of Knowledge of Questionable Good and Irrefutable Evil (4/21/2023) - 2023Resin14" x 12" x 12"
Camp Fire Progression (7/19/2022) - This iron and bronze sculpture maps the movement of the Camp Fire that destroyed the…
Walled NYC (1/11/2022) - Concrete, plywood, enamel, and paint, 2017  Much of the rhetoric around immigration to the U.S. in recent…
HayWired Shake Map (1/11/2022) - Bronze sculpture of a hypothetical magnitude 7 earthquake along the Hayward fault in the Bay…
San Francisco Housing Prices – Large Format (1/11/2022) - Large version of my sculpture of San Francisco housing prices. This data sculpture depicts a…
Weaponized Counties – 2016 US Election Sculpture (2/8/2017) - This pair of sculptures divides US counties into two sets: those in which Donald Trump…
Bridged Counties – 2016 US Election Sculpture (2/3/2017) - This sculpture takes the US counties and plots them left to right based on how…
Sculpture of Housing Prices Ripping San Francisco Apart (7/21/2016) - This data sculpture depicts a map of housing prices in San Francisco. It's a map…
Unofficial SAGE/Sci-Hub Top Pirated Journals (5/9/2016) - The following articles are the most downloaded SAGE Publications articles from Sci-Hub for the period…
Desperately Trying to Remove the Air Quotes Around the Word “Artist” (5/1/2015) - On April 25 I had the honor of presenting at 360|intersect. My talk was titled…
Discard the Poor (3/20/2015) - Census tracts are ranked by median family income and the poorest areas are cut out…
Stalagmite Crime (3/18/2015) - Three panels present different views of crime in San Francisco: narcotics, prostitution, and vehicle theft.…
Under the Surface (3/18/2015) - San Francisco is presented as a wooden box, seemingly sleek and clean. You’re invited to…
Burglaries on Paper (3/18/2015) - The density of a decade of Portland burglaries is mapped using layered sheets of laser…
Prostitution / Vehicle Theft (3/18/2015) - Two maps compare vehicle theft and prostitution. The data points are aggregated as hexagons and…
Perspective Self Portrait (3/18/2015) - Viewed from most angles, this self portrait presents a distorted, grotesque image. Spikes form in…
Drunk Traffic Map of Portland DUIs (3/14/2015) - This map mimics a typical traffic map but represents the number of driving under the…
Using shp2stl to Convert Maps to 3D Models (12/30/2014) - I've been working on a utility called shp2stl that converts geographic data in shapefiles to…
Bay Area Homicide Constellation Map (12/9/2014) - This is a map of murders throughout the Bay Area. Constellations are formed by connecting…
2014 South Napa Earthquake – 3D Print (9/9/2014) - Two weeks ago on the night of August 24, 2014 I was shaken awake by…
A City Cut in Two by a Tornado (3/31/2014) - This is a map of Moore, Oklahoma. On May 20, 2013 an EF5 tornado struck…
Woodcut Map of Golden Gate Park (1/20/2014) - This is a custom-made map of Golden Gate Park created by the people at Woodcut…
Point Nemo Wood Map (12/28/2013) - The most remote spot on Earth sits in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean,…
Haiti Earthquake Tree Trunk Map (9/25/2013) - This piece is a representation of the January 2010 earthquake that destroyed much of Haiti.…
Hurricane Blueprints (6/17/2013) - As we begin the 2013 hurricane season, I wanted to share something I created after…
Hurricane Coasters (6/13/2013) - I've been creating maps of hurricanes for the last few years. My job involves writing…
Physical Maps – My 360|intersect Presentation (6/10/2013) - I recently had the privilege  of presenting at 360|intersect in Seattle. My talk explored creating physical…
Hackers and Depression: Inform Yourselves About CBT (1/17/2013) - My wife is a clinical psychologist. Over the past week we've had long discussions about…
Drug Side-Effect Warnings as Word Clouds (1/17/2013) - I'm always amazed at how happy the voice on TV commercials sounds when describing a…
RIP Aaron Swartz (1/12/2013) - I'm in academic publishing. My grandparents founded a publishing company. My father ran it for…
My Apache Flex Logo Contest Submissions (1/16/2012) - Now that Flex is being moved to the Apache Software Foundation, it's time for a…
What would you call this chart? (12/5/2011) - I'm working on a visualization of people logging into SpatialKey, and I've come up with…
Printing Hurricanes as Gifts (9/18/2011) - We had a very busy month of August at SpatialKey as Hurricane Irene tore through…
Visualizing Time with the Infinity Hour Chart (5/7/2011) - This is another experiment in visualizing 24-hour cyclical data. My last post explored a method…
Visualizing Time with the Double-Time Bar Chart (4/26/2011) - In my last post I described some of the issues with visualizing cyclical data by…
Visualizing Cyclical Time – Hour of Day Charts (4/21/2011) - I've been mulling over a problem in my head for the past few days. How…
Ethics and the use of DUI data (3/23/2011) - I do a lot of work with San Francisco crime data, and one of the…
Crime Maps on the Guardian Powered by SpatialKey (2/15/2011) - I'm happy to announce a new crime mapping application I've been working on that just…
Night Vision Maps of the WikiLeaks Iraq Casualty Data (10/27/2010) - In 1990 I was an eight year-old kid. And like most eight year-olds I spent…
Take the Tangent – Video of my 360|Flex Keynote (10/24/2010) - I was honored to be asked to give a keynote presentation at 360|Flex in DC…
SpatialKey on ABC News in Salt Lake City (7/1/2010) - I just found out a local news story in Salt Lake City featured SpatialKey and…
If San Francisco Crime were Elevation (6/5/2010) - I've been playing with different ways of representing data (see my previous night lights example)…
Nate Beck’s Birthday Surprise at 360|Flex (3/10/2010) - Payback's a Queen! Nate got a special surprise in the middle of his session at…
What do you do with a giant head? (1/29/2010) - You make it vacuum your floor of course. Inspired by this fantastic piece of work…
Recreating William Playfair’s Import/Export Charts (1/19/2010) - I've been reading William Playfair's Commercial and Political Atlas, in which he invented the line…
Reflections on the first 360|Flex (1/13/2010) - The next 360|Flex conference is coming up in March in San Jose. I got to…
My Data Visualization Presentation from RIAdventure (full video and slides) (1/10/2010) - On the RIAdventure conference I gave a presentation about the past, present, and future of…
The American Credit Crisis (of 1772) Visualized (1/5/2010) - One of the first time-series line charts ever drawn was a visualization of the great…
My 2010 change: I’m not a Flex Developer (1/1/2010) - This is the time of year when people are making their resolutions, mapping out their…
Data Visualized as City Lights at Night (12/30/2009) - Images courtesy of the Image Science & Analysis Laboratory, NASA Johnson Space Center As I…
Stalking Someone with Data (11/4/2009) - Data can often tell you far more about people than you originally think. In my…
FlexCoders Mailing List Stats, Pretty Graphs, Full Dataset (11/3/2009) - In this post I'm going to dive into details about the stats of the FlexCoders…
Dorky Data Visualization Pumpkin: Minard’s Graph of Napoleon’s March (10/31/2009) - Happy Halloween! This is the dorkiest pumpkin I've ever carved. For those of you into…
New SpatialKey Crime Example for San Francisco (9/29/2009) - We just posted a new example of using SpatialKey to visualize crime in San Francisco.…
UX is making me dumb (9/21/2009) - User Experience Design (or UX for short) has exploded on the software scene carrying a…
Let’s go on a cruise! RIAdventure is going to be sweet (9/1/2009) - Tom Ortega and John Wilker, who organize the kick ass 360|Flex conference, are teaming of…
Slides and Code from my CFUnited Presentation: Using Open Source Flex and AS3 Projects (8/15/2009) - Here are the slides and the code samples I presented at CFUnited. You can also…
Hitler Goes to CFUnited (8/15/2009) - Here's the video that I showed at CFunited yesterday of Hitler (as a Flex developer)…
Sneak Peek at content from my CFUnited Presentation this Friday (8/10/2009) - This Friday, August 14, I'll be speaking at the CFUnited conference in Virginia. My session…
Drinking at 10am and geeking out on SpatialKey and Flex (7/27/2009) - James Ward and Jon Rose just published the latest episode of Drunk on Software that…
Slides, code, and links from my “Cool Shit” presentation at 360|Flex Indy (5/29/2009) - Another 360|Flex has come and gone and I've returned home with my liver and dignity…
I got punk’d at 360|Flex (in my own session!) (5/25/2009) - So there I was at 360|Flex giving my presentation. I guess when you call your…
My 360|Flex Itinerary (5/16/2009) - I'm leaving for the 360|Flex conference in Indianapolis tomorrow, so as I was getting ready…
Interview up on InfoQ (3/30/2009) - An interview I did with Jon Rose of InfoQ was just posted. I talk about…
SpatialKey launches private beta (3/24/2009) - All of us at Universal Mind who have been hard at work on SpatialKey are…
FlexCamp. Miami. Friday. (3/4/2009) - UPDATE: This event has passed. For some reason this post showed up again on the…
My foray into tweetcoding (2/26/2009) - I finally broke my Twitter silence and tweeted so I could participate in the tweetcoding…
How are you doing global exception handling in Flex/Flash/AS3? (2/10/2009) - On the project I'm currently working I was recently assigned the following bug: runtime errors…
Analyzing the size of the Flex framework (or why I hate the AdvancedDataGrid) (2/8/2009) - In my recent Flasher Magazine interview I talked about how much I dislike the "advanced"…
What my Eclipse/Flex Builder setup looks like (2/1/2009) - A few months ago I decided that my Eclipse setup was far from optimal. I…
Flex and Guns on Flasher Magazine (1/31/2009) - Lee Brimleow just posted issue #2 of his sweet Flasher Magazine video mag. For this…
Accessing SVN Repositories with ActionScript (1/20/2009) - I've been working on an ActionScript library that can load revision history from Subversion (SVN)…
Get me on the 360|Flex speaker list! (1/16/2009) - [UPDATE: apologies if this showed up as new in your feed readers when it isn't,…
Is that Flex on my Kindle? (12/25/2008) - Well, not really... but it's a Flex book 🙂 While I was getting ready to…
What my work day looks like (12/19/2008) - I've been using RescueTime recently to track my computer usage during the work day. I'm…
I have 100 followers on Twitter! (10/19/2008) - Which I consider pretty amazing since I've never sent a single tweet. That pretty much…
Slides from my Flash on the Beach session on decompiling SWFs (10/1/2008) - Here are the slides from my presentation that I gave today at Flash on the…
If you steal source code, don’t ask for help fixing it (9/27/2008) - While doing some research for my decompiling session at Flash on the Beach, I came…
I just decompiled a decompiler so I could use it to decompile itself (9/21/2008) - Update: Turns out that the code in Nemo 440 is actually just the code from…
Followup for Using BitmapData for Array manipulation: using a hashmap is (a little) faster (9/14/2008) - UPDATE: The test app has been updated to include a third test that uses a…
Using BitmapData for Array manipulation in AS3 (9/13/2008) - UPDATE: The test app has been updated to include two more tests: one for a…
SpatialKey featured on the cover of ComputerWorld (9/3/2008) - The most recent issue of ComputerWorld magazine features a cover story called "Can Web 2.0…
Code samples from Adobe Flex 3.0 For Dummies (9/1/2008) - The compiled list of code samples from our Flex for Dummies book have been posted…
Flex spotted on TV (8/25/2008) - I came across a video of a segment that aired on Fox Business News about…
Announcing SpatialKey – Geographic Information Without Limits (8/6/2008) - Today I'm proud to announce the launch of SpatialKey, the geospatial information visualization product I've…
Flex for Dummies arrived! w00t!! (8/5/2008) - I'm a published author! Holla! Go buy your copy!
I just bought Flex 3 For Dummies! (8/2/2008) - I went to check the Amazon page for Flex for Dummies to grab a link…
Why did I stop blogging? (8/2/2008) - I haven't been blogging like I used to. It's been a month since my last…
Description of my Flash on the Beach session: Decompiling Flex and Flash (8/2/2008) - I've just posted the title and description of the session I'll be giving at Flash…
How Adobe’s special search indexing Flash Player works (7/2/2008) - So Adobe created a special version of Flash player for Google and Yahoo to index…
Some flexcoders stats (6/27/2008) - I've recently compiled a fairly complete database of all the messages ever sent to the…
Proposal for a job at Adobe (that I never sent) (6/1/2008) - This is a document that I wrote back in October 2007. I forgot about it…
I’m sponsoring 360|Flex (5/30/2008) - I'm an official sponsor of the 360|Flex conference! I think I am the first and…
I’m Speaking at Flash on the Beach! (what should I present?) (5/30/2008) - I'm speaking at the Flash on the Beach conference in Brighton, England in September! I'm…
Upcoming conferences (where I’ll be, where I won’t) (5/29/2008) - This is a quick post to about a few of the conferences I'm either speaking…
A picture of my sent email box (5/26/2008) - Recently I haven't been blogging at all. I've largely fallen off the face of the…
My father supports my Flex work (5/17/2008) - No joke, I just got this shirt in the mail from my dad. Thanks Dad.
MuxMaster update: download functionality removed and a new icon (4/25/2008) - I was contacted by Justin Ouellette, the creator of Muxtape, who asked that I remove…
Introducing MuxMaster – a kickass open-source Muxtape player/downloader built with Flex and AIR (4/25/2008) - MuxMaster is an open-source desktop player to browse, play, and download Muxtape mixes. It is…
Simple Flex Motion Detection example (4/3/2008) - Here's a simple motion detection utility that you can use to do motion detection on…
Get your SlideRocket invite (3/19/2008) - UPDATE: all the invites got used up quickly, sorry if you missed them. If I…
My 360|Flex Survey Results – did I offend you? (3/8/2008) - So a bunch of people have been posting the results of the surveys from their…
Where are the dope Silverlight demos? (3/2/2008) - There's a lot of buzz about Silverlight 2.0 right now, and people are expecting some…
My 360|Flex Writeup (3/1/2008) - 360|Flex wrapped up on Wednesday and I wanted to do a quick writeup of my…
Examples from my 360|Flex session – Using Open Source Community Projects (2/26/2008) - Here are all the examples I showed today in my session at 360|Flex. The demos…
360Flex Open Source Panel tomorrow at 10am, my open source talk at 2:30pm (2/25/2008) - So tomorrow at 360Flex at 10 am we're getting together a bunch of open source…
Sneaky Flex trick to get the name of any calling functions (2/21/2008) - Well I'll be damned, in my last post I wrote about how I was trying…
Monkey Patching FlexSprite to list all event listeners on any Flex component (2/21/2008) - A while back Ben Clinkinbeard asked a question on flexcoders saying "Am I the only…
WindowShade component added to FlexLib (2/9/2008) - A new Flex container has been added to FlexLib, called the WindowShade. This container shows…
Full video of my 360|Flex Seattle session on Custom Flex Component Development (2/3/2008) - Since the next 360|Flex is fast approaching, I thought I'd post the full recording of…
I’m speaking at the Orange County Flex user group on Thur Feb 7 (1/29/2008) - Next Thursday, Februray 7, I'll be speaking at the Orange County Flex user group about…
eBay Widget Contest rules change for Flex developers (1/29/2008) - I just checked the eBay Widget Design Contest rules page again, and was happily surprised… uses FlexLib components (1/28/2008) - James Ward already had a little writeup about using Flex for some of their…
More FlexLib bugfixes and updates (1/28/2008) - Yesterday I made some updates to FlexLib, mostly to sort out some bugs, a few…
Tracking my location – forever (1/27/2008) - I have recently started tracking my geographic location, with the intent of keeping an automatic…
Got my bling for 360|Flex (1/26/2008) - My 360|Flex shirts and my bedazzler just arrived, so I'm now officially pimped out and…
Why I won’t enter the eBay Flex widget contest (1/23/2008) - Today I was looking over the details of the eBay Flash/Flex widget contest and thought…
Followup about Flex Panel bug (1/17/2008) - I want to start off with a quick recap of the current status of the…
Calling bullshit on a “resolved” Flex bug (1/12/2008) - When Flex 3 was first released in beta you may have noticed a bug having…
Why doesn’t Panel extend LayoutContainer? (1/12/2008) - As I'm doing some writing for the Flex for Dummies book I was digging into…
We’re not waiting for Flex 4 (1/7/2008) - Ely Greenfield presented some cool ideas about the future of the Flex framework during his…
My Favorite Blog of 2007 (1/5/2008) - Was not a Flex blog at all. It was John Nack's blog. John Nack is…
FlexLib bugfixes for the New Year (1/5/2008) - As part of my non-existent New Year's resolutions, I've gone through and made a series…
I’m a full-time employee with Universal Mind (12/15/2007) - I have recently decided to make the move from an independent subcontractor to a full-time…
360|Flex Badge to make Lil John Proud (11/27/2007) - So Tom and John, the guys putting on the 360|Flex conference in Atlanta in February,…
Flex CoverFlow performance improvement, Flex Carousel Component, and Vertical CoverFlow (11/19/2007) - UPDATE: Feb 26, 2008 I have updated the CoverFlow library a bit and added support…
Artistic influence in web design (11/4/2007) - So I was in the SF Museum of Modern Art this afternoon and I was…
CoverFlow Flex Component (11/3/2007) - UPDATE: Feb 26, 2008 I have updated the CoverFlow library a bit and added support…
Flex Changed My Life (10/31/2007) - Dramatic title, I know, but I'm actually pretty serious here. This is my 100th blog…
Google sucks at Flex (10/31/2007) - Am I the only one who's going to say this? Seems like the Flex blogosphere…
Not Your Mamma’s Maps (10/30/2007) - My most recent work at Universal Mind has been focused on developing data analysis tools…
Writing Flex for Dummies! (10/23/2007) - I'm happy to announce that together with Deepa Subramaniam I'm writing Flex 3.0 for Dummies!…
My writeup of Ely Greenfield’s MAX session (10/19/2007) - Ely Greenfield's session at MAX was, in my opinion, the best session of the conference...…
What I’ve been working on: MapMyPix (10/8/2007) - One of the recent projects I have been working on with a team at Universal…
Synthesizer Developer – Dan McWeeney’s thoughts on the future of software development (10/7/2007) - Here's an interview from Dan McWeeney that he did for at the SAP TechEd…
View differences between Flex 3 Beta 2 SDK and Beta 1 SDK (10/5/2007) - UPDATE: Well shit, turns out that posting the source of the almost-open-source-but-not-quite-yet Flex SDK is…
Move indeterminate (10/5/2007) - Move indeterminate Move indeterminate Move indeterminate Move indeterminate Move indeterminate Move indeterminate Move indeterminate Move…
3D Glasses Goodness at MAX (10/2/2007) - I took some pictures of a room full of dorks rocking the 3D glasses. Awesome.…
What does 1,000 3D glasses look like? (9/29/2007) - Like this: Come to the PaperVision 3D birds of a feather session at MAX on…
Come to the Custom Flex Components Birds of a Feather session at MAX! (9/29/2007) - I'm part of a panel that's running the Flex Custom Component Development birds of a…
Doug.dorkiness += 3d_glasses (9/25/2007) - Here's a screenshot of me having some fun with TileUI and 3D glasses. If you're…
My 360|Flex slides translated into Chinese (9/22/2007) - My presentation that I gave at 360Flex has been translated into Chinese by Robert Shuie.…
Nifty Flex Accordion Menu (like on (9/22/2007) - This is an example of using a slightly modified Flex Accordion to create a sweet…
My new logo (9/18/2007) - Let me know what you think.
Using complex headers with the Flex Accordion (9/18/2007) - Here's an example of how to use complex UI components for the header renderers of…
My New Toy (9/16/2007) - I just got a new toy. Anyone care to guess what it might be? Note:…
Some clips from my 360Flex presentation (9/11/2007) - Here are a few small video clips from my 360Flex presentation. The first is my…
FlexLib updates: new IconLoader component, bugfixes (9/11/2007) - A new component has been added to FlexLib: IconLoader from Tobias Patton, which allows you…
Presenting at Lunch 2.0 at Adobe on Friday Sep 14 (9/11/2007) - Come on by Adobe's SF office this Friday from 4-6 pm for Lunch 2.0 (lunch…
Download My Recorded 360Flex Presentation Video (9/10/2007) - The 360Flex folks have posted some of the recorded videos of the conference. You can…
Facial hair as a measure of coding progress (9/6/2007) - Not sure if I'm the only programmer who does this, but I often use my…
The Air Derby entry that will never be (9/4/2007) - For various reasons, which I may or may not discuss in the future, I will…
Yes!! Thank you Flickr for crossdomain.xml (8/29/2007) - Throw away those Flickr proxies! They added an open crossdomain file on Fuck yeah!…
A little TileUI experiment with Facebook (8/22/2007) - I call it ShuffleBored. You'll need a facebook account to add it. (Note: if the…
What I learned from my 360Flex session (8/19/2007) - I've been reflecting on how my session at 360|Flex went. Overall I was very happy,…
My 360Flex slides and code (8/17/2007) - Here are the slides from my presentation at 360|Flex, as well as most of the…
Ready for 360Flex and a bit about my session (8/9/2007) - Well, almost ready. Mohawk? Check. Silly shirt with my silly face on it? Check. Presentation?…
Look Dad, I’m on FlexCamp TV (8/7/2007) - Ha, I just loaded up the video Adobe posted from the FlexCamp event and here's…
The making of TileUI (8/4/2007) - I've posted a video that shows the progress that I made during the first 12…
Coming to FlexCamp at Adobe? (7/25/2007) - I'll be at Adobe this Friday for the FlexCamp event. If you're there then find…
I’m on the Flex Show! (7/25/2007) - The first half of my interview for the Flex Show is up online. Listen to…
FlexLib in the wild (7/24/2007) - I've started noticing FlexLib components out in the real world. It's a pretty cool feeling…
Got my 360Flex shirts (7/24/2007) - Pretty sweet logo, whoever designed that must be pretty much the best person in the…
tileUI Desktop demo video (7/23/2007) - Here's a demo video of tileUI Desktop running as an AIR app. The video shows…
tileUI demo video (7/17/2007) - A little video of my progress on tileUI. Enjoy.
My new project: (7/15/2007) - I'll be releasing more details later (as the date gets closer to Sept. 5), but…
Amazon Unbox Flex app (7/13/2007) - I was browsing Amazon Unbox to try to find a movie to rent on my…
ImageSnapshot class in Flex 3 SDK (6/11/2007) - There are a few new graphics classes in the Flex 3 SDK that make it…
Compare Flex SDK version 2.0.1 with version 3 (6/11/2007) - UPDATE: Well shit, turns out that posting the source of the almost-open-source-but-not-quite-yet Flex SDK is…
Today I got Moxie! (6/8/2007) -
My thoughts on Flex 3 features – Part 3 (6/7/2007) - This post discusses the features Ted Patrick blogged on Wednesday: the Advanced DataGrid component, Deep…
Will Flash Lite soon support Flash Player 9/Flex? (6/6/2007) - [UPDATE: OK, I was dead-wrong on this one. Ted was referring to the ability for…
My thoughts on Flex 3 features – Part 2 (6/5/2007) - This post addresses the code enhancement features Ted blogged about today. Now we're getting into…
My thoughts on Flex 3 features – Part 1 (6/5/2007) - Seeing how I bashed on what I saw as over-hyped PR about the upcoming Flex…
Save a snapshot image of a Flex app without a server (6/3/2007) - Someone asked a question on flexcoders about taking a snapshot of a Flex chart and…
Flex 3 better come with a free BJ (6/3/2007) - Seriously now, Ted Patrick claims the beta release of Flex 3 will be "the beta…
New Component: CanvasButton added to FlexLib (6/1/2007) - I just made a quick new component and added it to FlexLib. It's a Button…
My first Flickr Flex app (5/31/2007) - I can't believe I've gone this long without going through the rite of passage that…
Animated Gif Loader Flex component updated (5/24/2007) - UPDATE: The AnimatedGifLoader component is no longer for sale. There are some open-source alternatives to…
Major FlexLib updates – 4 new components + bugfixes (5/24/2007) - I've just updated FlexLib and added some components from new contributors and fixed some reported…
Multi-line strings in Actionscript 3 (5/15/2007) - Jesus, this took me a bazillion hours to figure out. OK, so I wanted to…
360Flex session list sneak peak released (5/15/2007) - A preview of the session list has been posted on the 360Flex blog. I'm doing…
Dear Adobe: Where’s my free hosted Flash Media Server? (5/14/2007) - Microsoft is giving me 4 gigs of free hosted streaming Silverlight video. You want to…
Analyze your ActionScript code with this Apollo app (5/10/2007) - This is a little Apollo app I whipped up so I could analyze the Flex…
didn’t have to install anything my ass (5/10/2007) - I just had a funny IM conversation with my friend who works at Googs, I…
There are 287,661 lines of code in the Flex 2 Framework SDK (5/9/2007) - I did a few calculations on the Flex SDK source code. By my count there…
Where have I been? Where am I going? (4/24/2007) - I haven't been blogging too much recently, but I thought I'd do one of those…
Blogging while boozing (4/16/2007) - I was out drinking last night in San Francisco with some people after the Ignite…
Did you see the RSS reader on the blogs page? (4/13/2007) - Aww, my baby is famous. Check it out at
Docking ToolBar from Adobe Flex Team added to FlexLib (4/13/2007) - The Docking ToolBar component that was released by the Adobe Flex Team has been contributed…
My 360Flex badge (4/9/2007) - In response to the 360Flex badge on the 360Flex blog, and the one from polyGeek,…
List control for the one-armed man – take two (4/1/2007) - Here's my second attempt at making a List control for Flex that has the functionality…
I joined Qwitter – you should too! (3/31/2007) - Last week marked the end of my employment at Stanford University. It's been a great…
List control for the one-armed man (3/27/2007) - This is a little experiment to play with a different method of selecting items in…
Updated MXNA RSS Reader Flex App – Now With Source (3/27/2007) - Here's the newest version of the MXNA RSS Reader Flex application that was shown at…
Fire component added to FlexLib (3/26/2007) - I added a new Fire component to the FlexLib library. This is a Flex component…
Pulled the trigger and bought a Mac – now where to buy RAM? (3/24/2007) - Thanks for everyone's input today about what Mac laptop to get. Here's what I ended…
About to buy my first MacBook, any thoughts? (3/24/2007) - I'm about to pop my Mac cherry. It's time for an upgrade from my old…
Why I don’t read books (3/23/2007) - I've never read a programming book. I realized this when I got sent a promo…
Why I LOVE Flex – Charting example (3/22/2007) - Oh man. Take a look at this example I whipped up last night. This takes…
Try to read this code (3/21/2007) - I often use the ?: format for conditional tests (Wikipedia tells me this is called…
Flex Panel component with ControlBar docked to the top instead of bottom (3/21/2007) - Today someone asked on flexcoders if you can make the Panel component dock the ControlBar…
ImageMap component added to FlexLib (3/13/2007) - I've added a new Flex component to FlexLib: an ImageMap component that is an attempt…
FlexLib demo shown at 360Flex Keynote (3/7/2007) - Just thought I'd do a quick post with a link to the demo of FlexLib…
My RSS Reader featured in 360Flex keynote! Here’s the newest version with smoke (3/5/2007) - This morning was the kickoff of the 360Flex conference. I got an email last night…
New Flex Component: Convertible TreeList (3/5/2007) - Here's a Flex component I made a few weeks ago and never got around to…
Flex Effects: Watery Reflection with Fire and Smoke (3/4/2007) - I've been having fun playing with simulated fire, smoke, and now a water reflection effect…
See you at 360Flex! (3/4/2007) - Just thought I'd do one of these "I'll be at 360Flex" posts that everyone's doing.…
Fun with Fire/Smoke in Flex (3/3/2007) - Source and a Fire component for Flex will be published when I get the time,…
I’m a Flex Machine! (according to my business card) (3/3/2007) - I just made myself the most ridiculous business card ever. I am now officialy a…
Demo Mashup of various Flex 2 community components (3/2/2007) - Here's a little demo Flex app I put together. It's another MXNA RSS reader (I…
Announcing FlexLib – open source Flex component library (2/28/2007) - I'm pleased to announce the FlexLib project hosted on Google Code. This is an open…
I am 788961937573 milliseconds old (2/16/2007) - var i:* = 24; var now:Date = new Date(); var bday:Date = new Date(1982, 1,…
Quest for the Perfect TabNavigator – Part 3 (with source) (2/7/2007) - [UPDATE 02-08-2007 4:05 pm] Added the ability to adjust the scroll speed via scrollSpeed property.…
Using hitTestPoint or hitTest on Transparent PNG images (2/3/2007) - On a previous unrelated blog post, someone posted a comment that had to do with…
Building a Gantt Chart Component in Flex (2/1/2007) - Here's my intial attempt at making something that resembles a Gantt chart. There's been some…
Problem with Transparent PNGs in Flex using @Embed (1/31/2007) - This was posted to flexcoders today. Here's the problem: we've got a transparent PNG that…
Horizontal Accordion Component for Flex (1/27/2007) - People have asked for an Accordion component that lays itself out horizontally instead of vertically.…
Even Better Scrollable Menus for Flex (1/26/2007) - Here's an update to the Flex Scrollable Menu controls that I posted earlier today. Josh…
Scrollable Menu Controls (1/26/2007) - As I was writing some stuff for the extended TabNavigator component that I've been working…
Vertical MenuBar Component (1/25/2007) - Someone on the Adobe Flex forum asked a question about being able to have vertical…
The Quest for the Perfect Tab Navigator – Part 2 (1/25/2007) - Here's my progress on coming up with a TabNavigator component with all the features I've…
The Quest for the Perfect TabNavigator (1/23/2007) - [UPDATE: See Part 2 for the current component] There's been some discussion on flexcoders about…
Draggable Slider Component for Flex (1/21/2007) - This is a Flex component that adds a draggable bar between two slider thumbs. This…
How to load animated GIFs using Adobe Flex 2.0 (1/19/2007) - UPDATE: The AnimatedGifLoader component is no longer for sale. There are some open-source alternatives to…
AnimatedGifLoader – New Flex Component (1/17/2007) - UPDATE: The AnimatedGifLoader component is no longer for sale. There are some open-source alternatives to…
Hey! It’s Another Flex Blog! (1/17/2007) - Yup, another blog about Adobe Flex. I'll mostly focus on Flex work that I do,…