
Slides and Code from my CFUnited Presentation: Using Open Source Flex and AS3 Projects

Here are the slides and the code samples I presented at CFUnited.

You can also download the PDF of the slides if you want.

Adobe Open Source Media Framework + FlexLingo

This demo uses Adobe’s OSMF project to synchronize subtitles with video. This was the demo that I used to create the Hitler Goes to CFUnited video I posted before. You can seek around the video and OSMF makes sure to show the right subtitles. Then you can click on the different flag icons in the demo to use the FlexLingo library to translate the subtitle text to other languages (using Google translation API).

View the source
This demo is made with Flex 4, so to use the source code you’ll need to be able to build a Flex 4 project.

Axiis + Tweetr

The second demo I showed used the Axiis framework to create a chart of trending Twitter topics that have associated pictures on TwitPic. Unfortunately there’s no crossdomain file in place for TwitPic images, so I can’t run a live version of this app (but running locally works fine).

View the source
This demo is also made with Flex 4, so to use the source code you’ll need to be able to build a Flex 4 project.

Safe Sexting

The third demo I showed was the “Safe Sexting” app that uses the Marilena library for facial detection and uses Pixel Bender to automatically blur out your face. This demo was also shown in 360|Flex Indianapolis. You can read a bit more about this demo in a previous post about the 360|Flex presentation.

Run the demo | View the source


6 thoughts on “Slides and Code from my CFUnited Presentation: Using Open Source Flex and AS3 Projects

  1. @Hassan, unfortunately there isn’t a recording of the presentation. I wasn’t able to get the connect recording working right before the session started.

  2. It’s all good man 😉 Nice work with the video BTW – I heard really good things about your session. Unfortunately I barely went to any sessions – I gotta stop doing that!

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