Which I consider pretty amazing since I’ve never sent a single tweet. That pretty much puts my follower to tweet ratio at Infinity.
You can be one of the cool kids too and follow me on Twitter. Twitter’s pretty much the best service in the entire world, and I simply can’t live without it.
Since I haven’t used Twitter in more than a year, I’m excited to be your 101st fan. I’ll be watching intensely.
Aw, another post to show us how famous you become
@damn, ha, it’s your job to keep my ego in check. thanks 🙂
“Which I consider pretty amazing since I’ve never sent a single tweet”
wot, so follow you for dougmccune nothingness? no news is good news, eh?
Ok now i have to follow you just to see what momentus life-changing tweet you decide to go with when you eventually do make one seeing as you’ve pondered it for so long…
so don’t worry there’s no pressure now or anything. 🙂
Doug, that’s kinda creepy. Although if you did use the thing, then I’d follow you 😉
Kinda reminds me of Forrest Gump:
Follower: “I’d follow you anywhere Mr. Gump…”
Follower: “Quiet, I think he’s going to say something…”
Forrest Gump: “I’m pretty tired, I think I’ll go home now”
Doug, it’s all a huge conspiracy to track and follow your every move. We want to know what your brain is cooking up this time. Much easier then feeding you some beers at Mars. It seems that twitter is used by foreign entities and terrorist groups to commit espionage on the general public. http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/story?id=6108426&page=1
Okay, fess up….
You were hired on by Adobe to be Ely Greenfield’s assistant. And hence, you’ve ceased blogging just as Ely did.
this app isn’t working, just say: what am I doing… undefined
i think that this is a flash player security update bug