Flex For Dummies

Adobe Flex 3.0 For Dummies is the only official For Dummies guide to learning Flex, and is the only truly introductory guide to get you up to speed with Flex development. The book was written by myself (Doug McCune) and Deepa Subramaniam, an engineer on the Flex team at Adobe. We think it’s the best book ever written, so if you haven’t bought it yet, go get a copy! If you already bought the book, thanks! You can find information about the book, such as the source code downloads here.

Download the code!
We’ve compiled all the code samples from the entire book. For each chapter we have a Flex project that you can download, or you can view the source code online. A few chapters don’t have any code samples, but all the rest are here. Typically any code that includes a dedicated code listing is reproduced here (meaning it has a heading like Listing 5-5). Sometimes some of the code listings build on one another, and we might only include the complete example. But each chapter also includes a description of which files match up with which parts of the book, so you should be able to figure it out.

Chapter 1: Getting to Know Flex

  • No code included

Chapter 2: Building Your First Flex Application

Chapter 3: Flexing Your Muscle with MXML and ActionScript

Chapter 4: FlexBuilder: The Best Flex Development Tool

  • No code included

Chapter 5: Introducing FlexBuilder for Developers

Chapter 6: Visually Designing Applications in Flex Builder

Chapter 7: Simple User Interface Controls

Chapter 8: Data-Aware User Interface Controls

Chapter 9: Forms, Formatters, and Validators

Chapter 10: Containers and Navigators

Chapter 11: Charting Components

Chapter 12: The Power of Data Binding

Chapter 13: Working with Data Collections

Chapter 14: Working with Remote Data

Chapter 15: Working with Managers We Actually Love

Chapter 16: Custom Components and Component Architecture

Chapter 17: Understanding States and Effects

Chapter 18: Styling and Skinning Flex Controls

Chapter 19: Ten Open-Source Flex Libraries

  • No code included

Chapter 20: Ten Flex Resources

  • No code included