
Sneaky Flex trick to get the name of any calling functions

Well I’ll be damned, in my last post I wrote about how I was trying to figure out which class was calling addEventListener on a FlexSprite. I couldn’t figure out a way to get the name of the calling class, or the name of the method that called addEventListener(). Well, Almog Kurtser commented that there’s a trick you can do by using the Error class and the getStackTraceMethod() to parse out these strings.

If you call: trace(new Error().getStackTrace()) you’ll get something that looks like:

at MonkeyPatchTest/___MonkeyPatchTest_Application1_creationComplete()[path/to/source/src/MonkeyPatchTest.mxml:4]
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
at mx.core::UIComponent/dispatchEvent()[E:\dev\flex_3_beta3\sdk\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\core\UIComponent.as:9041]
at mx.core::UIComponent/set initialized()[E:\dev\flex_3_beta3\sdk\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\core\UIComponent.as:1165]
at mx.managers::LayoutManager/doPhasedInstantiation()[E:\dev\flex_3_beta3\sdk\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\LayoutManager.as:696]
at Function/http://adobe.com/AS3/2006/builtin::apply()
at mx.core::UIComponent/callLaterDispatcher2()[E:\dev\flex_3_beta3\sdk\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\core\UIComponent.as:8450]
at mx.core::UIComponent/callLaterDispatcher()[E:\dev\flex_3_beta3\sdk\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\core\UIComponent.as:8393]

Within that long string you have all sorts of information about every calling function all the way up the stack. You can parse that all out and figure out where in the application you were. You can do this from anywhere in your app.

So I updated the monkey patched event dispatcher example in my last post to use this method and lo and behold we can get the class name of the class that called addEventListener(). We even get the method name and the line number where addEventListener was called.

Now in the FlexSpy example you get much more information and can trace back exactly where the event listener was added. Sweet! A big thanks goes to Almog (and to Alex Harui who Almog references as his source of this little gem).

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Error.getStackTrace() method only works with the DEBUG version of your swf. If you export a release build then a call to Error.getStackTrace() won’t work.


Monkey Patching FlexSprite to list all event listeners on any Flex component

A while back Ben Clinkinbeard asked a question on flexcoders saying “Am I the only one who wishes EventDispatcher exposed its listeners?” The fundamental issue was that he wanted to get a list of all the event listeners that had been added to a given component.

The approach: using FlexSprite
Someone suggested monkey patching UIComponent to add this functionality, since each UIComponent gets notified each time a call to addEventListener is called, and you could keep track of the references locally. The thing is, monkey patching UIComponent is kind of a pain in the ass since it’s such a big class. When you monkey patch a class you basically need a complete copy of the whole class in your code so you don’t lose the functionality of that class. It’s perfectly doable with UIComponent, but gets kinda nasty.

So I was looking for an alternative and realized that the beautifully small FlexSprite class, which is the lowest level class you can get source code for (everything above it like Sprite, etc is built into the player). FlexSprite is under 100 lines of code and almost all of that is comments. When you get down to it there’s only a constructor and a single method in FlexSprite. So that makes it super duper easy to monkey patch the bastard. To refresh everyone’s memory the inheritance goes: Sprite -> FlexSprite -> UIComponent.

So if you’re trying to add in functionality that will trickle down into every component in the Flex framework, and you don’t need stuff specific to UIComponent, then the easiest way is to monkey patch FlexSprite.

The result
The good news: you can get a list of every event listener that is currently added to any component (at least anything that inherits from FlexSprite). This list will tell you the main details of the listeners, like type (ie “change”, “click”, etc), priority, useCapture, and useWeakReference. You also get the time when the listener was added (which is stored using getTimer to indicate the number of milliseconds since the app launched).

So now anything that inherits from FlexSprite (every display object in the Flex framework) has the following additional property and methods:

  • eventListeners – returns an Array of every event listener currently registered with the component. The Array contains ListenerTracker objects, which is a new class that simply holds the details of the listeners (like priority, etc).
  • removeEventListeners(type:String) – this will remove all event listeners for a given event type. You don’t have to have the reference to the actual listener function to remove it.
  • removeAllEventListeners() – removes all event listeners of all types. This completely wipes out all event listeners for the component all at once.

Here’s a very simple demo application that simply adds a button via MXML and shows all the event listeners on that button in a DataGrid. You can click the bottom button to remove all the listeners on the top button, which will effectively disable all interaction with the button, which should make sense.

This movie requires Flash Player 9.

Simple example | source

The bad news: so you get the function that was added as the listener, but you can’t get anything useful out of this, like the actual function name in the code. You also can’t get the name or reference of the object that contains the function, or that made the call to addEventListener. So that blows.

UPDATE: We can actually get the name of the class that called addEventListener(), the method name where it was called, and the exact line number. See my post about a sneaky trick to do this.

Basically you can see how many listeners of each type (and priority, etc) there are and you can remove any individual ones (or all of them at once). But we are not being able to get much information about a Function object itself. In the addEventListener function we get passed a Function, but you can’t get any more information about that object (see the listener column in the above example, it just shows the “function Function () {}” string, which doesn’t help at all). I’ve tried using describeType() on the Function and everything else I could think of but couldn’t figure out how to get any additional useful information about a function. If anyone has any ideas shoot me an email to let me know.

A cooler example
So I remembered seeing a pretty badass Flex library that let you explore all the properties and styles of any ui components in your application. I went back and found it, it’s called flexspy and is a project hosted on Google code created by Arnaud Pichery. So that’s cool, you drop the FlexSpy swc into your app and suddenly you get access to this cool real-time property and style inspector. (BTW, FlexSpy is licensed under the Do What the Fuck You Want To Public License, ha, awesome)

So I went and extended the FlexSpy component and added my own Event Listeners tab to the main inspectors. Now when you launch my version of FlexSpy you can see all the event listeners on whatever component you select. Dope. I added in buttons to let you remove any individual listeners, or all the listeners for any particular component. Here’s a screenshot, and the links to the example app and the source (view source is also enabled on the app).


Enhanced FlexSpy demo | source


WindowShade component added to FlexLib

A new Flex container has been added to FlexLib, called the WindowShade. This container shows a header button above or below the content of the container. Clicking the header button opens or closes the panel. This lets you easily create expandable panels in your Flex applications. A single WindowShade container can be used on its own, or you can place a few of them in a VBox to make something similar to an Accordion, except you can have multiple children open at once (similar to Peter Ent’s stack components).

The component was contributed by Dave Glasser, of iDashboards. I initially went back and forth with Dave about the component. At first I thought this was really trying to be an accordion component with multiple open children, in which case I figured if we were going to do that component we should do it right (maybe extend Accordion). But I’ve since been won over to the usefulness of a single WindowShade container, and in my latest project I even used it – 3 times 🙂 So I worked with Dave and we reworked the component a bit, and now I think it’s pretty nifty.

Here’s an example that uses LinkButtons for the headers. You can use any Button control (ie Button, LinkButton, CanvasButton).

This movie requires Flash Player 9.

As a side note, I also contributed a fix from Troy Gilbert that lets you use a CanvasButton in a Repeater. Thanks Troy!


Full video of my 360|Flex Seattle session on Custom Flex Component Development

Since the next 360|Flex is fast approaching, I thought I’d post the full recording of my session at the last 360|Flex in Seattle. You can do whatever you want with this video, embed it wherever, watch it wherever, you can even download the original mp4 video file. Hopefully the embedded video is good enough quality to read the code on the screen, if not go ahead and download the full size version, that’s the best quality we got.

At the next 360|Flex at the end of this month in Atlanta I’ll be speaking on “Using Open Source Flex Projects”. If you’ve never been to a 360|Flex event, maybe this video will give you an idea of what they’re like. An important thing to note in this video is that there might be chunks of silence when people in the audience were speaking. I didn’t do the best job of repeating everything people said, but it wasn’t like I could just repeat questions people asked. The session was really a discussion among lots of people in the audience, and it really had a great community vibe to it, with people answering each others questions and teaching me lots of cool stuff. That’s what I love about the 360 events, it’s just a bunch of dorks hanging out and talking shop.


I’m speaking at the Orange County Flex user group on Thur Feb 7

firefoxscreensnapz015.pngNext Thursday, Februray 7, I’ll be speaking at the Orange County Flex user group about how to use open source Flex code in your own projects. I’ll be covering how to find, download, compile, and use open source as3 libraries, and I’ll be showing off some examples of things you can make without much work by taking advantage of the code that’s already out there. Basically I’ll be talking about how to be lazy and still make cool stuff.

This is a bit of a warm up for my more in depth talk on the same topic at 360|Flex. So the folks in the OC get to be the guinea pigs a bit and help me formulate my 360 presentation. It’s going to be a good time, we’ll hang out, talk about all the cool shit that’s out there that you can use. So if you’re in the southern cali area, come on by next Thursday.

Here are all the important details:

What: OCFlex user group meeting
Date: February 7th
Time: 7pm
Location: FarHeap Solutions offices @ 2601 Main St Suite 1200 : Irvine, Ca 92614

If anyone that’s attending wants to suggest specific open-source libraries they want covered, either leave comments here or shoot me an email.


eBay Widget Contest rules change for Flex developers

I just checked the eBay Widget Design Contest rules page again, and was happily surprised to see two important changes to the rules that now make it feasible for Flex developers to enter the contest. You are now allowed to use open-source code licensed under the MIT or BSD licenses, and your widget can be up to 400 kb. Below are the changed portions of the official rules:

Widget may not exceed 400kb in size

Widget may not incorporate any open source code except for Adobe Flex under the MPL license, or any open source under MIT or new BSD license in addition to source code published by eBay under CDD license;

Awesome. The wording seems a little odd to me (ahh, lawyers…), but the intent is to allow the Flex SDK, any MIT or new BSD code, and the eBay toolkit code that eBay released under the CDD license. So now you’re free to grab any number of open source projects and use them in your entry. Note that this doesn’t apply to every open-source license (understandably), so make sure you don’t get your hands on anything with those nasty GPL viral licenses. But the MIT inclusion covers a huge library of open-source Flex code that’s out there.

They also raised the file-size limit from 200k to 400k. If you’ve developed Flex apps, you know that you’re not likely to have an app less than 200k. I think 400k is a much more reasonable limit, and opens the door to Flex developers.

I’ve been called out.
So I originally bitched and moaned about how I wasn’t going to enter the eBay widget contest because of the restrictive rules about no open source code. That same day I got an email from someone at eBay, spoke with someone on the phone to explain my issues, and now they’ve gone and changed the rules to be accommodating. I was very impressed with eBay’s concern and willingness to listen to developers. So now I guess I have to enter the contest, right? Unfortunately the truth is I probably won’t get my act together to create an entry, but now the only excuse I have is that I’m too busy. I’m going to try to carve out some time to make an entry, but god knows if that will actually happen. When I originally complained, I was hiding my busyness/laziness behind my rant about the rules. Now eBay has gone and done everything I wanted to make the rules better, and I feel like my bluff has been called.

So to all the Flex developers out there, go win ten grand by making an eBay widget. You can use Flex, you can use whatever cool open source code you can find. You’ve got until February 22 to make some cool shit. A big thanks goes to eBay for being awesome and listening. Thanks guys, you rock.


Mint.com uses FlexLib components

James Ward already had a little writeup about Mint.com using Flex for some of their spending habit charting stuff, but what’s even cooler to me is that they’re using a few FlexLib components on the site. I got an email from Jason Putorti, a Flex dev with Mint, letting me know that he’s using the DraggableSlider component, and I took a look and also saw that they’re using the ScrollableArrowMenu. Here’s a screenshot of both the components in use:


The menu showing the list of cities there is the ScrollableArrowMenu and above that there’s the DraggableSlider that lets you select the date range you’re using for the chart. Sweet!


More FlexLib bugfixes and updates

Yesterday I made some updates to FlexLib, mostly to sort out some bugs, a few of which I inadvertently created with the previous release. Here’s the list of issues addressed:

  • Issue 71: Drop-down tab-list fails to activate when using states with constant names
  • Issue 72: SuperTabNavigator -Close Tab-
  • Issue 76: Make TabReorderEvent Cancelable/Hookable in SuperTabNavigator
  • Issue 77: Tabbar title change does not resize Tabbar
  • Issue 78: getChildren in ButtonScrollingCanvas

The first four issues are fixes for SuperTabNavigator issues. #71 and #72 were new bugs I introduced with the .2.2 release without realizing it. My bad. This is what happens when the FlexLib QA team consists of me after about 5 beers. #76 is an added feature for the SuperTabNavigator. #77 is a bug fix for a SuperTabBar bug, and #78 is a fix for ButtonScrollingCanvas for what I guess has been a bug since that component was added.

I also managed to put a up a version .2.3 briefly that had an even better bug with ButtonScrollingCanvas that rendered that component and the SuperTabNavigator inoperable. Woopsies again. 🙂 I updated the release and the current version (.2.3.1) should have things all sorted out. There were around 250 downloads of the .2.2 release (jesus you people move fast), so if you downloaded that one, make sure to get the latest and update, that .2.3 release is whack.

There’s also a new component dropped into FlexLib, but I’ll blog about that one tomorrow since I haven’t done the writeups for the component description on the wiki pages yet. But it’s in there.

w00t. Keep reporting bugs.


Got my bling for 360|Flex

My 360|Flex shirts and my bedazzler just arrived, so I’m now officially pimped out and ready for 360|Flex in Atlanta next month.
The picture doesn’t really do the shirt justice, but in real life as I move it sparkles, take that Lil John.

A few pictures of the bedazzling in progress:

You can order your own shirt with the bling 360|Flex logo here. Assuming I have extra rhinestones I’ll probably bring the bedazzler to the conference, so if you want to get your shine on between sessions you can pimp your own gear. I’ll also have a few extra bedazzled shirts, one of which is going to the winner of the Degrafa contest.

If you haven’t made up your mind about coming to 360|Flex you need to go buy your ticket now.


Why I won’t enter the eBay Flex widget contest

Today I was looking over the details of the eBay Flash/Flex widget contest and thought maybe I’d whip something together and enter. I figured I could probably throw together some eye-candy nonsense using PaperVision, Box2D, fire effects, etc etc and make something that looked impressive. Might be worth a shot at a cool $10k. Then I read the details a little closer and found this clause:

  • Widget may not incorporate any open source code except for Adobe Flex under the MPL license;

Fuck that. I use open-source projects in nearly everything I do. Literally everything. This becomes an issue when dealing with consulting work for clients, and I bring this question up right away and ask what kind of restrictions the client wants to place on the use of open source code. On one hand, the client usually wants 100% of the code to belong to them, they want the IP, and using any open-source code in the project is frowned upon. On the other hand I explain the cost of having to build from scratch all the stuff that I can get for free from these open-source projects, and when it starts being thought of in dollars then we usually arrive at an agreement to allow open-source code. Note that this only applies to MIT and other completely open licenses, if it’s not MIT I usually won’t touch it with a ten foot pole.

So eBay wants to run a contest where you can’t use open source code. That means no 3D engines, no physics engines, no custom component libraries. If you wanted 3D you’d have to build your own custom 3D engine. Umm, no thanks. It’s funny because they make the explicit exception for the Flex framework, since if they didn’t do that you wouldn’t be able to make any Flex app at all.

Hell, if you take that clause strictly, you probably can’t even use eBay’s own Flex Toolkit, which is licensed under the Common Development and Distribution License, which is an “open source license based on the Mozilla Public License.” I hope every entry in the contest gets disqualified 😛 Come on guys, the Flex SDK is about to be open source, your developer toolkit is open source, and yet you want to say we can’t use open source code?
