Maps, SpatialKey

New SpatialKey Crime Example for San Francisco

We just posted a new example of using SpatialKey to visualize crime in San Francisco. We load in 90 days of crime data from the city, then filter down to only include sales of heroin, crack cocaine, and methamphetamine within 1,000 feet of a school. Why those particular crimes around schools? The SFPD just launched a new initiative called “Operation Safe Schools” that specifically targets these drug crimes. If you’re caught dealing crack, heroin, or meth around a school while the school is in session you can get extra prison time.

Check out the video below and read the full article on the SpatialKey blog.

Read the whole article on the SpatialKey blog to see how we put this together and learn more about the SFPD’s “Operation Safe Schools.” You can also watch the full resolution video on YouTube


6 thoughts on “New SpatialKey Crime Example for San Francisco

  1. Jason says:

    Awesome work, Doug and everyone else involved.

    Did I tell you I have to have a towel handy every time I watch one of these now? Yea, I actually foam at the mouth. Get your mind out of the gutter 🙂 Keep up the great work.

  2. Pingback: Social Data Analysis « OpenSF Blog

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