UPDATE: Well shit, turns out that posting the source of the almost-open-source-but-not-quite-yet Flex SDK is a no-no for now. I assume once the Flex 3 SDK officially goes open source this will be OK, but for now I’ve been asked by Adobe to take it down. As you say master.
I’ve posted the Flex 3 Beta 2 SDK that can be compared using Trac to the previous Beta 1 SDK files. This lets you easily see what changed from Beta 1 to Beta 2.
View the changest from Beta 1 to Beta 2 here.
Check out the main Trac site here.
New files:
- ButtonBar.png
- mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridHeaderBase
- mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridLockedRowContentHolder
- mx.controls.menuClasses.MenuListData
- mx.core.EmbeddedFont
- mx.core.EmbeddedFontRegistry
- mx.core.IConstraintClient
- mx.core.IEmbeddedFontRegistry
- mx.core.IFontContextComponent
- mx.core.ITextFieldFactory
- mx.core.TextFieldFactory
- easing_readme.txt
- mx.styles.IStyleManager2
- mx.styles.StyleProxy
Some other things to note:
- Lots of the files have a very basic change in the copyright notice: from “2003-2006 Adobe Macromedia Software LLC and its licensors” to “2003-2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated”. That unfortunately means a lot of “false positives” show up in the changeset.
- I guess joining Adobe means Robert Penner gets to pimp his own book (even with a direct link to the page on Amazon) within the SDK source code.( đ I’m just busting balls)
- There are lots of trace statements commented out, giving us an insight into the Flex team’s debugging mind. ListBase has 40 such statements that haven’t been removed from the code. DataGrid has 54. ProgressBar line 1631 has the wonderful “Move indeterminate” trace statement.
- There’s some new stuff for styling. It looks like they’ve added a class called StyleProxy (note: at the moment completely undocumented and has large blocks of commented-out code), and that you can use that to set the default styles on custom components. I don’t really know much about this (Juan, want to chime in?) but check out the changes in TabNavigator to see a little how they’re using StyleProxy.
Regarding Style Proxy, you should check out Joan Lafferty’s blog:
It says: “…the feature work of Jason Szeto who changed the way the styles for many components get passed on to their subcomponents. This âStyleProxyâ feature for Flex makes the framework more explicit regarding the styles that are passed through from a component to its subcomponents. Subcomponents used to get all of its styles from its parent component. For example, if you set a style like cornerRadius on a DateChooser, this style was inherited by the nextMonth and prevMonth buttons. This was probably not your intention. You probably only wanted the cornerRadius to affect the DateChooser itself. Just to be clear what some of the âsubcomponentsâ of Components are…